I’ve never been to China (though I’d like to) but I imagine this is what it’s like; no chance of understanding the road signs, advertising posters passing me by, not even guessing the meaning of the language you can hear and see written around you.
Having spent a couple of idyllic years in the sea of feeding and nurturing two small children, I am now wading ashore on a strange island, ready to engage and immerse myself in what has been happening in my absence, excited by the opportunities I can see ahead and ready for the challenge.
I thought I’d seen a lot of changes in my corporate years, working with the web and online in one form or another since 1995, but re-engaging in a very changed world where the buzz is all about social media shows me as much change again as the day I remember we saw the web turn from a drab grey and black thing to a page of beauty and colour – the day we found the background color tag!
So when I saw on Twitter @NikkiPilkington’s 30 day blog challenge, it seemed as good a time as any to get set and get ready to go.
So here’s my first post, I’ll be blogging about the joys of two small children, my hopes and fears for my garden as we follow our plans for edible landscaping, and my journey back into full-on employment after being a passenger for a while.
Love it!
Welcome Sarah – I’m looking forward to reading your posts 🙂
Great start! Thanks for wading back into your archive and lovely to meet you! 😉
Karin @ Cafe Bebe
Thank you – it was quite a treat to go back and re-read!
I don’t make as much time as I could for that – now am off to read some other first posts