I should have been making cupcakes this evening, instead of mopping up the occasional but far-reaching vomit that my son has been decorating most of the house with. It’s ironic that in a week when I have spent a lot of time planning, a timeslot has arrived that can’t be filled the way I had intended due to circumstances beyond my control.
I’ve spent time this week on a long term business plan, on a new season garden plan, and working out how I can become more organised at home in order to support less time focused on domestic small things that should be able to take care of themselves.
Though as a mother of two small children I complain about all available time being sucked up as soon as it appears, I feel that by spending time out productively planning I have chunked down a plan of activities into small achievable goals that can be done within my small slots of time.
That doesn’t help the cupcakes of course, but sometimes you have to get away with less than perfect, and just settle for a cuddle. Plans can be realigned tomorrow.
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