For every article that calls out blogging is finished, that the business blog no longer has a place within a modern content marketing strategy, here’s an antidote – 13 reasons you and your business still need to blog:
- Blogging is good for business, and the more you blog, the better that is – according to HubSpot’s 2015 research, companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got about 4.5X more leads than companies that published 0-4 monthly posts.
- Regular good quality content published to your blog helps to support your Google ranking, as Google favours sites that are regularly updated – the more often you update content, the more often search engines will visit your site to re-index.
- A blog is a simple, straightforward way to share information about your business. A well-written blog can help you to position yourself as an expert in your niche and it can help to build brand awareness, trust and engagement and can put a human face to your brand.
- You are in control of your own content and can use that content as a source of reusable content for other platforms. As a cornerstone of your content marketing strategy, you will have content to share on other platforms and a reason to drive social traffic back to your site for conversion.
- Driving traffic to your website gives you the opportunity to appeal to your readers across a variety of content, keeping them on your site and, by gaining their interest and trust, convert these readers into warm leads or customers.
- Blogging is a cost-effective way to reach your audience, and builds up a bank of content for your audience. If you balance the content that is time-sensitive with more evergreen posts that don’t easily date, this content can be used and re-used over a period of time.
- Having the discipline to share quality content on a regular basis is good for you and for your business, and shows your ability to continue to show up and write.
- If you are blogging, you need to keep up with your industry, your competitors and news as a source of material, and adopting a blogging mindset will open up your mind to new ideas.
- By asking for feedback you will start to hear back from your audience, and connecting and developing relationships with potential customers will give you greater insight into what your audience – and your potential customers – actually want from you.
- With good planning and organisation, structuring your blog posts becomes a manageable and essential part of your business and your audience engagement strategy; thinking about how you will present yourself and your business via your blog demands that you continue to keep your audience firmly at the front of mind in your business development.
- You will start enjoying the challenges and rewards of blogging, until you realise that it’s not just for your business that you need to blog, it helps you to articulate your approach and communication with your customers.
- Blogging works best when it is done as part of a content marketing programme that is followed consistently over time, giving you opportunities to build trust and relationship with your audience of prospects, current customers and people who can recommend you to others.
- And that’s it – if this list convinced you that you need to blog but you don’t know where to start, we can help; get in touch and we will show you how to kick start your blog with all the business benefits we have shown can come with that. Having the right processes and systems in place from the start makes blogging much less a daunting task, more a great way to boost and drive your business to success.
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