So the house is quiet now, children back at school and nursery and I can contemplate what next after a lovely school holiday over the Easter break. I have spent the last two weeks entirely with my two small children, joining in with increasingly silly games, being used as a trampoline and a carrier of bags and a generator of food at very regular intervals.
Two things had happened just before the Easter break; I finished a contract with a client that had been challenging and enjoyable, and I reached the grand anniversary of a year of this blog. Then I found myself wondering what else I had to say and how I could renew and revitalise the direction of what I am doing and add more value to clients and potential clients in what I have to offer. So then I stopped.
I was surprised at myself, as I have been determined to keep on with the blog and provide a platform for advice and interaction to my readers, and I was keen to make my posts as regular as I was hoping they were informative. But busy with client work the blog planning slipped a little, and the upcoming holidays meant little chance to get back that planning time before the pandemonium broke that is two small children intent on having fun while school is out.
And it has been a super two weeks, refreshing to spend unfettered time in the now, to see and feel and hear our two beautiful children without the usual distractions of work and school, and to give them the attention they deserve and so often don’t get enough of. And yes I got cross with them and they got cross with me, but I also saw how they are growing and gaining in independence and skills, and that was pretty amazing.
They have both gone back to school without a hitch, and now it is time for me to start up again. So without too many apologies for the interruption in service, what I have learned most is that sometimes you have to stop to be able to keep on keeping on.
I am planning a new focus and direction here, which I think you will enjoy when you start to see the changes; let me know in the comments below if there is anything particular I can provide for you, otherwise watch this space, this unplanned break has left me refreshed and energised and ready to go.
Identify with so much of this blog entry – captured time with my children beautifully and pausing to enable continuation is vital and refreshing. Look forward to new gems….
Thanks Helen – of course one of the good days was the big mash up of all those children that have come from nowhere – look forward to more of that in the summer!